Jan 12, 2024

Beyond Fun Facts: 9 Powerful Questions to Help New Hires Feel Welcome and Connected at Your Startup

Team culture is important - here's how you can help new hires feel welcomed and connected

Beyond Fun Facts: 9 Powerful Questions to Help New Hires Feel Welcome and Connected at Your Startup

When a new hire joins your startup, it's essential to introduce them to the team in a way that fosters connection and belonging. This introduction moment is a defining one, not just for the new hire, but for the entire team.

Most startups have a structured set of questions that are shared either live (e.g., in an all-hands meeting) or asynchronously (e.g., via the company directory and/or a dedicated Slack channel). While these questions can be a great starting point, all too often, startups default to cliché questions or icebreakers like "Two-truths-and-a-lie" or "Share a fun fact!" (collective groan).

But the introduction moment doesn't have to be boring or shallow. In fact, it can be a powerful opportunity to set the stage for building a strong team culture. According to a survey by LinkedIn, only 36% of new hires felt a strong sense of belonging on their first day. By asking more thoughtful questions during the introduction process, you can help new hires feel more welcomed and connected.

In this article, we'll explore 9 powerful questions across 3 key categories to help new hires feel welcome and connected at your startup.

💡 Pro-tip: Choose 1-2 of your favorites from each category, and add it to your team directory template!

1. Bringing Your Whole Self: Sharing Your Personality

Encouraging new hires to express themselves in a creative way and share unique aspects of their personality can lead to more meaningful connections and a stronger team culture. In fact, a study by the Harvard Business Review found that employees who feel like they can bring their whole selves to work are 42% less likely to leave their job.

❌ What are your favorite hobbies?

✅ What's one talent or skill you have that people might not expect?

Why is it better? Framing the question towards talents or skills reduces some of the pressure of an official "hobby" which can be restrictive to a formal category of activities. By asking about the unexpected, you're also encouraging team members to open up and safely express vulnerability and candor.

❌ What's your MBTI?

✅ What fruit do you most embody?

Why is it better? Sounds silly, doesn't it? We were skeptical too! You'd be surprised by how meaningful the responses here can get. On our team, we have an avocado ("I have a really big heart, but I can be a bit finicky too early or too late.") and a watermelon ("I have a thick shell, but I'm really sweet on the inside."). It's a fun and creative way to learn about each other's personalities and can lead to deeper conversations.

❌ What's your favorite TV show?

✅ Try this instead: If you could have any fictional character as a best friend, who would it be and why?

Why is it better? This question can provide insight into what traits or qualities the new hire values in a friend or teammate. It's also a fun way to learn about each other's interests and potentially discover shared passions or hobbies. Plus, who wouldn't want to imagine having their favorite fictional character as a best friend?

2. Insights into What Matters Most: Sharing Your Values

Values are at the heart of any team's culture, and understanding what drives your new hires can help you build a more cohesive and high-performing team. By asking questions that explore their values, you can gain insights into what matters most to them and how they approach their work.

❌ Don't ask: What motivates you?

✅ Try this instead: What are your top 3 core values?

Why is it better? This question encourages new hires to reflect on what they find most meaningful in their personal and professional lives. According to a survey by Deloitte, 94% of executives and 88% of employees believe that aligning company values with employee values leads to better business outcomes. Understanding the values that your new hires carry lets you create a more aligned and engaged team.

💡 Pro-tip: Here's a great online values exercise you can have everyone complete to answer this question.

❌ What's your superpower?

✅ Try this instead: What's something you've learned about yourself recently?

Why is it better? This question invites new hires to reflect on their personal growth and self-awareness. It shows that you value a growth mindset and encourages them to share their experiences and insights. By focusing on recent learnings rather than weaknesses, you can create a more positive and supportive environment.

❌ What are your guiding principles?

✅ Try this instead: What's a phrase, quote, or motto that you try to live by?

Why is it better? This question allows new hires to share their values and philosophies in a more open-ended way. It provides insights into what they prioritize, and can spark meaningful conversations around shared goals. Plus, it's a fun way to get to know each other better and learn more about what drives them.

3. Work Styles: Understanding How We Work Best

Everyone has different work styles and preferences, and understanding these can help team members work together more effectively. According to a study by Harvard Business Review, when team members understand each other's work styles, it can improve collaboration, communication, and productivity. These questions are designed to explore work styles and preferences.

❌ Are you a morning person or a night person?

✅ Try this instead: What's your preferred time of day to focus on deep work, and why?

Why is it better? This question can provide insights into a new hire's productivity habits and work style. It can also help team members understand when they are likely to be most productive and how to collaborate more effectively.

❌ Which modern-day business leader do you look up to or admire most?

✅ Try this instead: What do you look for in an ideal mentor, and why?

Why is it better? This question promotes learning, collaboration, and coaching. By understanding what a new hire values in a mentor, team members can tailor their coaching and support to help them succeed. It can also lead to conversations about personal and professional growth.

❌ Cliche question to avoid: What are your strengths?

✅ Try this instead: What's your preferred way of receiving feedback, and why?

Why is it better? According to a survey by OfficeVibe, 65% of employees want more feedback. This question allows new hires to reflect on how they like to receive feedback and can provide insights into their communication style and preferences. It also promotes a culture of feedback and continuous improvement.


Introducing new hires to the team is an opportunity to set the stage for a strong team culture. By asking thoughtful questions that encourage self-expression, explore values, and work styles, and foster connections, you can help new hires feel welcomed and connected.

Furthermore, by creating an inclusive and supportive work environment where team members can bring their whole selves to work, you can build a culture of belonging, engagement, and high performance.

Remember to choose one or two of your favorite questions from each section to use in your startup's introduction process, and make sure to adapt them to fit your team's unique culture and personality.